Modern search has changed the way customers find businesses online. Are your clients showing up as a point of interest in modern GPS systems? Mobile apps? Are voice assistants like Siri and Alexa giving their customers the right information?

Missing or incorrect data can result in unhappy customers, lost revenue, and a drop in local search ranking.

Listing Distribution gives you a single dashboard to submit, update, and monitor your clients’ business information across data aggregators: Neustar/Localeze, Foursquare, Data Axle, and Factual.

These aggregators share your clients’ business information with a network of directories that power search engines, navigation systems, voice search, mobile apps, and more—and create accurate listings customers can count on.

  • Go automated – submit, update, and monitor your clients’ business information across the major data aggregators, all from a single dashboard.
  • Report on the syndication of your clients’ data and proof of performance in citations. Our platform shows when data has been synced with each of the four data aggregators and your clients' growth in citations over time.
  • Showcase your clients’ brand with photos and highlighting products and services. Offer more information like hours of operation and payment methods. Enhancing online listings will make customers more likely to buy.
  • Build your clients’ online presence, drive customers to their door, and boost their SEO. The correctness, quality, and amount of citations a business has all contribute to local search rankings.